Juried Community Art Exhibition Winter 2014
The selection panel made up of South Seattle College Art Gallery Committee members and special guest Bryan Ohno, owner of the Bryan Ohno Gallery, Seattle, Washington.
Participation is open to community members and people affiliated with South Seattle College. We are much honored to have selected 38 works of art included in the community exhibition at
South Seattle College. The Juried Community Art Exhibition will showcase their creativity in an exciting variety of media. Works will include sculpture, ceramic, drawing, painting, printing,
photographic images, and mixed media.
The selection panel made up of South Seattle College Art Gallery Committee members and special guest Bryan Ohno, owner of the Bryan Ohno Gallery, Seattle, Washington.
Participation is open to community members and people affiliated with South Seattle College. We are much honored to have selected 38 works of art included in the community exhibition at
South Seattle College. The Juried Community Art Exhibition will showcase their creativity in an exciting variety of media. Works will include sculpture, ceramic, drawing, painting, printing,
photographic images, and mixed media.
Photo by Ty Swenson
Photo by Ty Swenson
Photo by Ty Swenson
Photo by Ty Swenson

Photo by Russell Johnson

Photo by Russell Johnson

Journeys through Muslim Lands Spring 2014
Islamic calligraphy, demonstration by Ali Rouhfar.
Lecture by Esther Sunde, Faculty Librarian South Seattle College.
The show is being curated in collaboration with the South Seattle College Library.
This Muslim Journeys programming is being offered as a result of a Bridging Cultures /Muslim Journeys grant awarded to the library last year by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.
Islamic calligraphy, demonstration by Ali Rouhfar.
Lecture by Esther Sunde, Faculty Librarian South Seattle College.
The show is being curated in collaboration with the South Seattle College Library.
This Muslim Journeys programming is being offered as a result of a Bridging Cultures /Muslim Journeys grant awarded to the library last year by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.

The Growing Visibility of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders:
The Legacy of the AANAPISI Fall 2015
The Legacy of the AANAPISI Fall 2015
A collaboration between UW Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, the Burke museum, SSC AANAPISI Center, SSC Club Center (Club Center Coordinator, Tony Vo) as well as local artists, Roldy Aguero Ablao and Jewel Castro.
We have several workshops by participating artists throughout the duration the show. This show have a connection with University of Washington OMA&D online exhibition: No Longer Invisible: In Their Own Words. students, staff, faculty and alumni share their personal stories of identity in a project titled. http://www.washington.edu/omad/no-longer-invisible/ It was linked to the show in that celebrate the pacific islander culture.
Curator’s Bio
Rochelle Fonoti, Ph.D.
Rochelle Fonoti is the Pacific Islander Cultural Specialist and faculty member on the Asian American Native American Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Grant at South Seattle College, which is the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) designation for Asian American and Pacific Islander students through the Department of Education. Rochelle is the first faculty member in the Seattle College District to design and teach classes specifically on Pacific Islanders, and is also currently involved with creating a minor for Oceanic and Pacific Island Studies Minor at the University of Washington. She identifies as a “diasporic Samoan” as she was born in Auckland, New Zealand, raised in American Samoa and Samoa, and based in Hawai`i up until she moved to Seattle ten years ago to study at the University of Washington, where she recently graduated with a Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology.
Rochelle Fonoti, Ph.D.
Rochelle Fonoti is the Pacific Islander Cultural Specialist and faculty member on the Asian American Native American Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Grant at South Seattle College, which is the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) designation for Asian American and Pacific Islander students through the Department of Education. Rochelle is the first faculty member in the Seattle College District to design and teach classes specifically on Pacific Islanders, and is also currently involved with creating a minor for Oceanic and Pacific Island Studies Minor at the University of Washington. She identifies as a “diasporic Samoan” as she was born in Auckland, New Zealand, raised in American Samoa and Samoa, and based in Hawai`i up until she moved to Seattle ten years ago to study at the University of Washington, where she recently graduated with a Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology.
Exhibition Statement
This exhibit showcases the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students on campus and the vibrant communities they come from. In 2011, South Seattle College received a Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) grant as a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) through the Department of Education, which will end in September 2016.
South’s AANAPISI grants (first one was awarded in 2008) have focused on providing targeted services to improve AAPI student success and increase their visibility on campus. This exhibit is dedicated to honoring the multiple ways these AAPI students and their communities express pride in their histories and identities through artifacts or cultural objects, data and statistics, newspapers, magazines, oral histories and transcripts, photographs, alongside dance and performance.
This exhibit showcases the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students on campus and the vibrant communities they come from. In 2011, South Seattle College received a Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) grant as a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) through the Department of Education, which will end in September 2016.
South’s AANAPISI grants (first one was awarded in 2008) have focused on providing targeted services to improve AAPI student success and increase their visibility on campus. This exhibit is dedicated to honoring the multiple ways these AAPI students and their communities express pride in their histories and identities through artifacts or cultural objects, data and statistics, newspapers, magazines, oral histories and transcripts, photographs, alongside dance and performance.

Butterflies: A fantastically queer journey Winter 2016
We have collaborated with local artists and our very own Queer Straight Alliance to bring a little bit of vibrancy to our gray city. We hosted these thought provoking works from members of our local LGBTQIA+* community in Butterflies: A Fantastically Queer Journey. In addition to the art pieces, we hosted a literary corner stocked with books provided by South Seattle college library. It will include fiction, autobiographical pieces, an ethnographic book and so much more! * LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer , Intersex, Asexual and everything in between. We will be hosting a reception for the artists and participated in the West Seattle Art Walk evening. West Seattle Blog
Participating artists include: Bianca Wright and Allan C. Carandang.

Allan C. Carandan (Top) Bianca Wright ( bottom)

Annual Student Art Show Spring 2016