Japanese Erotic Film Festival for Seattle International Film Festival 2018
TIMELINE: 4 weeks
ROLES: Advertising, Logo Design
SKILLS: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat DC
PROBLEM: How to design Japanese femininity Project Goals and Objective: A three day film festival in Seattle featuring works of Japanese female erotica.
PROCESS: Research Seattle International Film Festival.
SOLUTION: I created a logo and used soft pink and the organic shape of a circle to denote both the rising sun and that of a breast. The mountains below are symbolic of both the Cascades and a woman’s spread legs.
Japanese Erotic Film Festival for Seattle International Film Festival 2018
TIMELINE: 4 weeks
ROLES: Advertising, Logo Design
SKILLS: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat DC
PROBLEM: How to design Japanese femininity Project Goals and Objective: A three day film festival in Seattle featuring works of Japanese female erotica.
PROCESS: Research Seattle International Film Festival.
SOLUTION: I created a logo and used soft pink and the organic shape of a circle to denote both the rising sun and that of a breast. The mountains below are symbolic of both the Cascades and a woman’s spread legs.
Project Summary
A three day film festival in Seattle featuring the Japanese erotic works of Japanese Female Erotic Bondage film. For women interested in Japanese culture featuring love stories designed to appeal to women with lots of steamy bondage sex scenes. I created a logo and used soft pink and the organic shape of a circle to denote both the rising sun and that of a breast. The mountains below are symbolic of both the Cascades and a woman’s legs.

LOGO ProjectS
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